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Total Solar Eclipse – Early Dismissal

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April 8 at 8:00 am 12:00 pm

On April 8, 2024, a spectacular total solar eclipse will be visible in certain regions of the province, providing a unique opportunity for your children to witness this awe-inspiring natural phenomenon. It will occur over a 2-hour period. The timing is dependent on your location, but for New Brunswickers it will be approximately 3:30 – 5:30pm AST. To check for when the eclipse will happen for your location, please go to Timing of eclipse –  and put in your location.

Please note that all schools in ASD-W will dismiss 3 hours early on April 8th, to allow students to safely arrive at their after-school destinations before the eclipse begins.  Schools may send messaging specific to their scenario as we approach the date.  There will be no extra-curricular activities after school on this date.

It is crucial to ensure that your children view the eclipse safely to protect their eyes from harm. NEVER LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SUN without proper solar viewers! Please review some essential guidelines attached.

You can order solar viewers for your use. Ensure that your solar viewers are ISO 12312-2 certified and from a reputable supplier. Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, New Brunswick Chapter has information.

By following these safety guidelines, you can make sure your kids have a fun and safe time during the solar eclipse. Remember, protecting their eyes is really important. Have a great time enjoying the wonders of the universe as a family and making special memories during this amazing event!


Paul MacIntosh

Director of Communications, ASD-W

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